….TOT 187- From Past towards Future

…. TOT 187 WEEK 187 “From Past towards  Future” (To be used in advanced training). Mediation is a process which  shifts the mindset of the parties from past towards  their future in the present.    It is very challenging for any mediator to shift the focus of the parties from past to future.  Parties feelContinue reading “….TOT 187- From Past towards Future”

….TOT 182- Training through Facilitation

…. TOT 182-WEEK 182 Training through Facilitation One of the  important training  techniques  more useful in mediation training is “Facilitation”. As mediation is considered as a facilitative process, and  mediators being  considered as facilitators, it is important to see to it that , trainees understand the  techniques of  facilitation.  Including facilitation as part of the Continue reading “….TOT 182- Training through Facilitation”

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