….196- Handling Arguments

…. TOT 196- WEEK 196 “ Handling  Arguments” Note: (Objective of this  weekly blog  post is to  help trainer in the field of giving  training in Mediation.) One of the difficult situations for a mediator is to handle  the arguments.   The arguments may be (i) between the parties,(ii)  between the party and third party, (iii)Continue reading “….196- Handling Arguments”

….TOT 182- Training through Facilitation

…. TOT 182-WEEK 182 Training through Facilitation One of the  important training  techniques  more useful in mediation training is “Facilitation”. As mediation is considered as a facilitative process, and  mediators being  considered as facilitators, it is important to see to it that , trainees understand the  techniques of  facilitation.  Including facilitation as part of the Continue reading “….TOT 182- Training through Facilitation”

….TOT 180- Continued Learning

…. Mediation training  has a blend of  many forms of learning.  Courses are differently,  thoughtfully and meticulously designed to see to it that trainees turn out to be the best mediators. I – STEP- Basic  Course   In this  course ,  basic training  in mediation is given. By and large the trainees undergo training inContinue reading “….TOT 180- Continued Learning”

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