….196- Handling Arguments

…. TOT 196- WEEK 196 “ Handling  Arguments” Note: (Objective of this  weekly blog  post is to  help trainer in the field of giving  training in Mediation.) One of the difficult situations for a mediator is to handle  the arguments.   The arguments may be (i) between the parties,(ii)  between the party and third party, (iii)Continue reading “….196- Handling Arguments”


…. TOT 195- WEEK -195 “ESCAPE FROM  THE TRAP”. Note: ( The objective of this weekly blog post- TOTIM.Law.Blog   – Training of Trainers in Mediation –  is to help the trainers in the field of  giving training in mediation .) Trainer has to be conscious of some traps which will  unknowingly attract and  drive theContinue reading “….TOT 195- ESCAPE FROM THE TRAP”

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