….TOT 193- Observation – Integral part of Active listening


TOT 193-WEEK 193

Observation as  Integral part  Active Listening

(To be used in Advance training).

Narratives are part of mediation process. Each party and each of the participants give their own  narratives. Mediator has to listen to these narratives.   

Observation is part of active listening.  Trainers have to strengthen active listening skills in the trainees.

i)Observation of  the parties/participants:

Trainer may have to  make  note of:

What has  the trainee mediator  observed?

Has he /she observed the response/s of the  party to the narrative of the other?

How has the trainee mediator  responded  to those observations?

ii)Trainer has to  train the trainees to observe,  recognise and  understand :

  • Impulsive reactions
  • Intelligent inactions
  • Confusions  expressed through body language.

 iii)  Practical  use of Observation:-

  Trainer has to equip the trainees  to  effectively make use of the information

  received through  their observation.

How is this  objective achieved?

Trainer gives a situational role play.

Allows the parties /third parties to give their narratives.

Asks the  trainee mediator/s to note down the observations

Trainer also  makes  note of observations. ( Emotions/ expressions/body language/  way of /mode of/ explanation- dependency – etc)


 Trainer has to  debrief as to what was observed by the trainee mediator and by the trainer .

Explain where and when these observations might help the mediator.

What was the response of the trainee mediator ?- Explain as to ‘ What could or could not have been the response .’


  Trainees will understand the deeper meaning of active listening.

They understand how to integrate observing  into listening.

They understand listening cannot be an empty formality.

They understand that listening needs commitment, dedication and  preparedness to be  in the present.

“All of us  are watchers- of television, of time clocks, of traffic on  the free way- but few are observers. Everyone is looking, not many are seeing.”

Peter M. Leschak- Writer and Firefighter.

(Note: The objective of this weekly blog post is to help the trainer in mediation  in their Mediation Trainings. For earlier blog posts kindly visit totim.law.blog )

(All copy rights reserved by the author S.Susheela)

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